How to

Five things to try doing while walking

Excuse me, are you walking for leisure or travel? These are the two boxes to tick. But there are hundreds more purposes, and here are five you might not have tried

How to trailblaze a Slow Way

Plenty of Slow Ways routes have yet to be walked. Being the first to try one out is adventurous and generous! Read on for advice from seasoned Slow Ways volunteers

Eight ways to beat the autumn blues

If you dread the onset of autumn here are some tips for weathering (or even enjoying!) this wild season

Slow Ways for kids! Yes, they exist!

Summer holidays are here, with all their joys and challenges. Here are our top tips for finding child-friendly Slow Ways

How citizen naturalists use Slow Ways to survey wildlife

What if people walking Slow Ways routes used these pathways as wildlife transects across the country: recording wildlife as they walk and contributing invaluable data to inform the regeneration of our country’s flora and fauna?

Review of the week: a good review for a bad route

Our weekly celebration of volunteers' efforts usually picks up a feel-good review about a walk which went well. This week, we're featuring a good example of how to review a route that isn't suitable for the network.

A guide to Slow Ways jargon

If you’re new to Slow Ways you may be a little confused about some of the terms used on the website and in the community. Here is a handy guide to keep close when navigating the web of Waylists, Snails and Waychecks.

Darren’s top tips for walking

Here are a few things I've learned the hard way, after walking 300km this past year