Building the network

Slow Ways: London to Birmingham in less time than HS2!

Something marvellous has happened – we've connected Birmingham to London with verified Slow Ways... and way ahead of HS2!

Fill the gaps!

We are only 26 filled gaps away from a really giant, map-covering network. Can you claim a gap as your own this autumn?

Slow Ways for kids! Yes, they exist!

Summer holidays are here, with all their joys and challenges. Here are our top tips for finding child-friendly Slow Ways

Review of the week: a good review for a bad route

Our weekly celebration of volunteers' efforts usually picks up a feel-good review about a walk which went well. This week, we're featuring a good example of how to review a route that isn't suitable for the network.

Making improvements to the Slow Ways network

Some places and routes are being added and some removed, to break up long routes and make some new connections This is an important notice to let you know that we’re making some improvements...

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