Dogs using Slow Ways: the story behind the project

How to tell another creature's story? Here are our ethical wranglings as we tried to work out how to represent a whole other view of Slow Ways routes, through a dog's perspective

Slow Ways art #3: Marcus Lee

Filmmaker and director of Reel Street Productions, Marcus Lee, walked a Slow Ways route from Shipley to Bradford, clocking up his step count and producing a vlog in response to his journey

Dogs using Slow Ways #1: Cookie

We asked wildlife photographer Jasmine Pasha to turn her lens on dogs going about their Slow Ways journeys, to see what we human walkers might learn

Slow Ways art #2: Ranya Abdulateef

Wakefield textile artist Ranya Abdulateef walked a Slow Ways route. See her collaged response to the journey

Stop walking in circles

'Circular walks are almost always for necessity or convenience, but I love the joy of arriving' Slow Ways' founder Dan on his love of A to B